Vernon Woolf
An Introduction to Holodynamic Wellness
The Wellness Manifesto (Woolf, Victor
Vernon, 2005) and the Holodynamic Wellness seminars are created for those
who seek to help establish health in our society. There are ninety-five
treatises involved. Each treatise relates to specific dimensions of
health. Each dimension is based upon information from associated sciences.
Each has been successfully assimilated into the practice of healing and
maintaining freedom from illness. Each has been tested and each has been
found to create extra-ordinary results in creating a state of wellness.
Part of this program presents supportive research and other related
scientific data. A reference section and a bibliography of terms are also
provided. This program applies the latest scientific findings to the
health industry. The training beings within each person and then can be
applied to the community at large.
For example, the classes and texts include
information on:
- a. The central role of enfolded mechanisms of
consciousness in creating wellness
- b. The central role of microtubules in disease
- c. Multi-dimensional dynamics within the
- d. Holographic memory storage units (holodynes)
and how they function to control both body health and human behavior
- e. Quantum dynamics in neurological systems,
creation of coherence, telepathic tunneling and potential fields and
their relationship to health
- f. Hyperspacial networks of information
spinners, precomputations and our counterpart (Full Potential Self) and
its function in creating and maintaining health
- g. How holodynes are created, inherited,
modeled by family and culture, and come from hyperspacial dimensions to
create illness and/or health h. How collective consciousness (swarm
intelligence) operates to control physical, psychological and social
states of being and how it can be transformed
- i. The fine-grained and gross-grained screens
that cover the senses of the human body and create the holographic
matrix controlling perception, information processing, memory storage
and retrieval
- j. Frequencies used to both send and receive
information thus creating quantum coherence in the body and effecting
multiple dimensions of consciousness
- k. Effective principles and processes
for creating physical, psychological, social and spiritual health
To date there are at least twenty known
natural mechanisms of consciousness that directly relate to health. There
are also at least ten dimensions of reality that are enfolded within each
disease. Most approaches to healing, both in theory and in practice, have
not yet included many of these known mechanisms or dimensions in their
approaches to healing. Also, there is new medical technology available
that apparently can heal every virus, bacterial and fungal disease. By
using information from quantum physics, holographics, information theory
and developmental psychology, along with new medical technology, it is
possible to establish a more effective treatment modality and to heal most
See also